Product Description
Jackall KAERA Frog NEW
Length: 55mm (2.2in)
Weight: 12.5g (7/16oz)
Jackall KAERA is designed as a compact frog that can be used in open water or around the cover without stress. Around the cover, it boasts outstanding snaggless performance due to the perfect balance between the body shape and hook position. And, Jackall paid particular attention to the essential elements of frog, the ease of action. Usually, the more compact the silhouette, the harder it is for the frog to dock. However, KAERA has been made into a compact but very easy-to-action frog by researching weight arrangement and floating posture. Water displacement is also strong when the action is made, and the flat surface provided on the side of the body grabs the water and firmly appeals its presence. KAERA shows amazing catching ability.